Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mr. Fats

When I got home Friday night, there was no one home, so I locked myself away in my room to finish my present for Konta: the first stuffed animal I have ever attempted to crochet.  It took me only a few days to make all the pieces, add details, connect and stuff.  I got a 50g package of stuffing for 74 yen and made the mistake of opening the bugger in class.  It was overstuffed and attempted to explode everywhere, which was rather distracting for others in the room (not that this is any different than usual, as I've had a lot of people say they get distracted watching me work).

Anyway, I finished connecting the halves of his body at home and named him Mr. Fats, because he's definitely got a case of the fat (this isn't helped by the fact that his body is overstuffed and his head is borderling understuffed.  And he has little tiny arms!  And legs.  I think he's adorable in his own right and hope he can stand up to a 3-year-old.

Saturday I was supposed to go to Kobe for shopping and onsening (hot spring) with B and Alison, but neither B nor I felt up to it, so we postponed it, hopefully for next weekend (seeing as it's the last one).

Instead, I got up at 9 and spent the next hour reading through the December issue of Kansai Scene, a free English publication that gives details on what's going on in the Kansai area for the month.  I've got an issue from each month I've been here--it's really been helpful.  Anyway, my favorite section has always been the classified ads in the back because they're mostly people looking for dates.  I found something interesting this time...

Breakfast was cereal and then I started my day.  Catching up on the reading for the past half of the semester.  I read and I read and I read and I read and I had ramen for lunch and I continued reading and I accidentally watched the last episode of the Ryoumaden drama and I read and I read and I read and 12 hours later, I was done with the Visual Anthropology of Japan and Introduction to Japanese History reading.  Dinner and shower and off to sleep.

Sunday started in much the same manner, though when I came downstairs, the re-wallpapering of the living room had recommenced.  Today's reading topic: Shinto.  So reading, reading, reading, reading, tearing down wallpaper, reading, reading, getting distracted by okaasan vaccuuming the walls, reading, reading, lunch of fried rice, reading later, I finished!  And am now done with all the assigned reading.

Then I moved on to organizing my ideas for the 5-page field report for Shinto.  I'll be writing it on Yu Yu Hakusho and have what amounts to five pages of notes, hand-written.  I'm going to include some personal views, so if you're reading this and have seen or read YYH and haven't already been approached, please let me know so I can send you my three little questions for you to answer for me!  I promise it'll only take a few minutes (unless you're Holly and have to think more about it  =P ).

There was a letter from Holly in my mailbox when I got on campus this morning.  It appears something along the way decided it looked delicious and took a bite out of the corner.


  1. If the mails work correctly, you should get my card sometime this week. Yay cards.

  2. Aha, I see they put my ad in... Now for my Mystic Conspiracy to recruit and slowly summon the Elder Gods of beyond for my bidding...

  3. send it to me on nm, i've seen the whole thing.
