Friday, December 10, 2010

Small Victories

And smaller adventures!

I hopped on the bus after my tests yesterday and headed in a direction I haven't been in quite a while: the pachinko parlor and Top World.  I got off on the corner there (only two stops; not even 5 minutes) and started my trek in the opposite direction of the seminar houses, which coincidentally was along the street my host family drove to get to the house when they picked me up.

It was a longish block, but only one before I found Midori Electric, which was my "turn here" landmark.  I did, and started my way down the very busy street (three lanes in both directions and most populated by semis).

One of the first buildings of note was Sega World, all decked out in its Sonic-ness.  Behind it was some sort of amusement park I didn't check out.  It was quite a difference from the factories and car dealers lining the otherside of the street.

Further down was a Harley-Davidson store.  There were a bunch of bikes parked outside--the only real motorcycles I've seen since arriving.  Most people ride mopeds.

I passed a KFC a classmate told me was there as the "farthest she's gone" landmark and knew I had to be getting close to my destination.

A block or two further and I arrived... at Don Quixote (Don Quijote...?  Don Kihoute...?  Not sure exactly how it's supposed to be spelled according to the Japanese).  The entrance was around back, so after a moment of confusion, I made my way in... and was immediately accosted by Christmas music. But there was something odd about it... it was techno Christmas music.  In true Japanese fashion to be lively and happy and keep you buying stuff.  It was different.

And my prize was easily spied.  A Pikachu suit.  Having made my selection, I moved to the front of the store (after I hunted it down, as it was hidden amidst the product, which ranged from holiday specialities to imported booze to cosmetics and home necessities).  And I carried it all the way back to campus.

As I was getting off the bus, I ran into Shimotani-sensei leaving for the day.  I hadn't seen her on the buses for a month or two.

I meant to study for my sakubun (composition) test today when I got home... but decided to see if I could beat the Elite Four in Black with my 5 level 51 and 1 level 45 pokemon team...  I don't want to spoil it for anyone planning on playing, but going into the E4 in Black and White the first time isn't just a run-through to get to the credits.  I ended up playing for 3 or 4 hours because I was in the thick of the end of the story, heart racing and everything.  Probably the best story to a pokemon game yet.

I went over my composition once before heading to bed (and aced it today).

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