Monday, August 23, 2010

Creation Test

So, this blog now exists.

I leave for KIX from SFO around 11 a.m. on Friday, August 27.  I will miss game but hey, I'm headed to Japan.  I will miss the people here, but for them it's just me gone for my usual four months of school.

Am I nervous?  Not yet.
What is my biggest fear going over there?  Not getting along with my host family.
What am I looking forward to most?  Being there and experiencing.  And picking up Pokemon Black.

I've got a list of things either to pick up or do; it'll get longer as time goes on, as these things do:
-Traveling photos with Ninja Dave minion #2015 (Index Staff). +
-Traveling photos with Cthulhu (Loki).
-Find a panty vending machine (Ashley).
-Pick up a Yes-No doll (Lindsay).
-Pick up safe travel charms (Loki).
-Bring/make a b-day cupcake (Miho).
-Stalk and bother Quill (Me).
-Pick up Pokemon Black (Me).
-Pick up an omamori (Ashley).
-Postcards! (Drea, Loki)
-Eat a delicious fish (Tom).

To the right is Ninja Dave minion #2015.  He sneaked into my paperwork at the Japanese Consulate in San Francisco and made a special appearance.

There's more.  I'll remember them as I go or people yell at me to remember them.
(Hint: Yell at me right now if there's something that should be added or you want added.)


  1. Awesome-sauce. I will keep an eye out in the seedy-er areas of Germany to see if they have any panty-vending machines.

    (And also, I would love you forever if you could pick me up an omamori at a shrine..those things are so pretty)

    Good luck in Japan!

  2. Some quick research indicates that you might find the elusive panty vending machine near porn vending machines. While I have never spotted one myself, Ive been in stores that catered the same sort of goods. Be careful though, these machines are located in areas that you should not be alone in.-g.

  3. I am so excited to see the Ninja Dave minion photos!

  4. Hey Katie ^^ Also be sure to make some Japanese friends!! Best way to improve your speaking

    Have an awesome time there~~

  5. Oh oh! Find a panty vending machine for me too!


  6. I just want you to find a geisha vending machine.
