Saturday, August 28, 2010


I got up around 7:30 a.m. on August 27 and was out the door by 8:30 a.m.  There was a bag with the newspaper because someone didn't have the decency to ring the doorbell and say 'kbai' or give hugs or anything.  We stopped at Safeway and picked up a slice of cake for Miho before heading up to SFO.

Security was easy enough to go through.  The strap on the laptop bag broke before I even got to the gate, and then when I was at the gate, it wasn't the right one because the airport told me the wrong one.  So I found my gate and pulled out Tiny Laptop to steal supposedly free wifi.  It didn't exist, so after a half hour I put her back away and called to suspend my phone service.

And then I was on the plane.

And then I was still on the plane.

And then I continued to be on the plane.

I read the first 100 pages of Ulysses, played Pokemon, wrote a lit, watched Clash of the Titans and entertained the small child seated next to me.  Oh, and heard Always by Erasure on the in-flight radio station.  Open your eyes~

Cthulhu made a friend named Ted on the flight and they got pretty close pretty quick.  Unfortunately, their relationship was a short one, as distance drove them on their separate ways.  But the photographs will remain to immortalize the memories.

Then I was off the plane and following the hordes of other KGU students on the flight.  Customs went ridiculously smoothly, baggage claim was perfectly timed and there was only an hour wait until the shuttle.  People introduced themselves all over the place and bonds formed pretty quickly.  Hooray for geeks!  Then it was on the bus for 2 to 3 hours and then we arrived at the seminar houses.

And it was muggy.  Disgustingly so.  You walk outside and you're soaked.  Actually, you walk out of the immediate proximity of the air conditioner and you're soaked.  I can do heat and I can do cold, but the muggy's going to drive me insane.


  1. Glad to see you are there safe! I can't fix the humidity, but I hope this is a fun trip for you. And we miss you already here.

  2. fsustarich@verizon.netAugust 28, 2010 at 4:41 PM

    Glad the trip went well and that you arrived safely.

    Should be a lot of fun. Tried to find your school on google earth -no luck. It will be interesting to hear about your great adventure.


  3. And then I was jealous.

    And then... And then I just wondered how Ulysses is so far?

  4. Hi Katie! So happy you're there safe & sound. I hope you enjoy yourself & I look forward to staying updated with your experiences through your Blog. Love Ya!!

  5. You made it through 100 pages of Ulysses and your head didn't explode? Wow... that takes a lot of dedication.

    Sucks that it was muggy, but hey, it's Japan! It will be awesome no matter how muggy it gets.

