Sunday, August 29, 2010

So Much Food

Today was a day full of food.

I got up a bit after 9 a.m., naturally, without the alarm and had a yogurt cup for breakfast before planting my butt in a computer chair for an hour or so waiting for my roommates to get up so we could go find campus.  We finally got going after 11 and headed to the Top World, the nearest supermarket.  I picked up some shrimp tempura, milk tea and sandwiches for lunch and we headed back.

Back to the computer lab, I submitted my request for classes.  I signed up for Spoken Japanese, Reading and Writing Japanese, Introduction to Japanese History, Visual Anthropology of Japan and Shinto.  My alternates are Sumi-e, Monsters, Ghosts and the Making of Modern Japan, Anime: Method and Meaning, Basic Ceramic Techniques, Religion in Japan and The Body and Communication in Japan.  Hopefully I get into the ones I want; if I don't, it isn't first-come, first-serve, it's lottery-based.

Then I met with a group and we wandered in a new direction for lunch.  We found a local restaurant and invaded.  A handful of us tried our seiza to see who could last longest and it was one of the guys who won in the end (he sat that way the entire time we were there).  I had an oyakodon set, which included chicken and egg over rice and udon soup.  Afterward, we wandered through a 100 yen store and then back to the seminar houses.

I read more of Ulysses and managed to sync my brain with it.  I guess I had perfect reading conditions for my brain to latch onto the style of the prose.  Everything made sense, despite being short and choppy and... well, Ulysses.

Then back to adventuring.  A group of us got together and finally figured out where campus was.  It was a 20-minute walk despite us going through residential areas.  It was neat seeing what different architecture was hidden away in the neighborhoods.  Apparently addresses aren't given by the order of the houses, they're given by the order of when the houses were built.  We found campus but it was after the gates were locked, so we stared through it for a bit before wandering to the 7-11 down the street.  7-11s here definitely have better stuff than the ones in America.  I picked up a melon ice cream cone (in the cold case!  It looked like a soft-serve cone and was consumable as such, but it was pre-made!) and a pork bun, both of which were delicious.

Can't wait for the daily allowance to start.


  1. Your food adventures sound so delicious!

  2. Can you still get a Slurpee at this 7-11?

  3. Not that I noticed, actually. I went in with the intention of getting one, but then all the Japan-ness of it pushed that out of my mind.

  4. Hi Katie! I really enjoy reading your posts about your adventures. Sounds fun. Be safe
