Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Minor Updates

Weekdays are slow, so unless something extraordinary happens, I'll likely only be posting regarding the weekends from here out.

This coming week is Silver Week.  I have a three-day weekend (Monday is respect for the elderly day) and Thursday off (Autumn Equinox, I believe).  I'm not sure what I want to do with all that time yet, but Okaasan had mentioned there's a spring pretty close to the house that maybe we can go check that out.

Also regarding family life, Okaasan would like me to make dinner one night and I need a recipe.  I was thinking something along the lines of chicken and dumplings or ham and beans--so long as it's something that would be started from scratch, since the availability of pre-made ingredients is likely to be low to none.  If anyone wants to comment with a recipe or send me an email, please feel free.  I'll post about it after I make it.

I started a blog for my Visual Anthropology class, camerajin.blogspot.com.  It's linked under my About Me in the "Places of Interest" section.  It will have eight posts total by the end of the semester and will be more professional than anything else.

That's it for now.  Remember anyone can send me an email at ari.sky15@softbank.ne.jp  I like getting mail.


  1. Hi Katie,

    Yea for "respect the elderly" day; how old do you have to be? I will miss your frequent blogs but it is understandable particularly if it is a slow week. Curiousity to you, Frank

  2. I would love to hear more about the autumnal equinox holiday. Do you know if there is something going on? I'm always curious how other cultures deal with the changing of the seasons.

    I am hopeless with the cooking, so I can't really help there, LOL! Enjoy your week :)

    - Samantha

  3. For us as parents, reading your daily posts is not only entertaining (as you are an excellent writer) but reassuring to know that you are well and safe while in a foreign country so mannnny miles away! We do understand your reasons though and will anxiously await the weekends. Keep in mind that you don’t have to only write of your adventures, as we know you are not on vacation but working hard at your studies. Include some insight on the challenges of attending school and living in a foreign speaking country – some of the daily trials and tribulations. We all love and miss you and wish you all the best. (BTW, fickle Brutus is now sleeping on my lap again!) Much love.
